Implementing a custom model

One of the core features of BIRDMAn is that it is extensible to user-defined differential abundance models. This means that BIRDMAn has been designed from the beginning to support custom analysis. Custom modeling is implemented through user-written Stan files.

Here we will walk through a simple custom model and how to incorporate it into BIRDMAn. We will use data from the study “Linking the effects of helminth infection, diet and the gut microbiota with human whole-blood signatures (repeated measurements)” (Qiita ID: 11913). Samples were taken from subjects before and after a deworming procedure.

This paired design introduces a wrinkle in traditional differential abundance analysis: pseudoreplication. It is statistically inadmissible to fail to account for repeated measurements as in the case of longitudinal data. One can account for this as a fixed effect in other tools, but really subject-level variation is likely better modeled as a random effect. For this example we will specify a linear mixed-effects (LME) model where subject is a random intercept.

Downloading data from Qiita

First we will download the BIOM table and metadata from Qiita.

wget -O ""
wget -O ""

We then import the data into Python so we can use BIRDMAn.

import biom
import pandas as pd
import glob

fpath = glob.glob("templates/*.txt")[0]

table = biom.load_table("BIOM/94270/reference-hit.biom")
metadata = pd.read_csv(


Processing metadata

We will now determine which subjects in the metadata have samples at both pre and post-deworm timepoints.

subj_is_paired = (
    .apply(lambda x: (x["time_point"].values == [1, 2]).all())
paired_subjs = subj_is_paired[subj_is_paired].index
paired_samps = metadata[metadata["host_subject_id"].isin(paired_subjs)].index
cols_to_keep = ["time_point", "host_subject_id"]
metadata_model = metadata.loc[paired_samps, cols_to_keep].dropna()
metadata_model["time_point"] = (
    metadata_model["time_point"].map({1: "pre-deworm", 2: "post-deworm"})
metadata_model["host_subject_id"] = "S" + metadata["host_subject_id"].astype(str)



















Filtering feature table

This table has nearly 3000 features, most of which are likely lowly prevalent. We will first filter the table to only include the samples we previously described and then filter out features that are present in fewer than 5 samples.

raw_tbl_df = table.to_dataframe()
samps_to_keep = sorted(list(set(raw_tbl_df.columns).intersection(metadata_model.index)))
filt_tbl_df = raw_tbl_df.loc[:, samps_to_keep]
prev = filt_tbl_df.clip(upper=1).sum(axis=1)
filt_tbl_df = filt_tbl_df.loc[prev[prev >= 5].index, :]
filt_tbl = biom.table.Table(

We now have a table of 269 features by 46 samples (23 subjects). This is a much more manageable size!

Model specification

For this custom model we want to specify that time_point is a fixed effect and host_subject_id is a random effect. We are keeping this model relatively simple but you can imagine a more complicated model with random slopes, specified covariance structures, etc. Our model can thus be written as follows:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}y_{ij} &\sim \textrm{NB}(\mu_{ij},\phi_j)\\\mu_{ij} &= n_i p_{ij}\\\textrm{alr}^{-1}(p_i) &= x_i \beta + z_i u\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Where \(z_i\) represents the mapping of sample \(i\) to subject and \(u\) represents the subject coefficient vector.

We also specify the following priors:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\beta_j \sim \begin{cases} \textrm{Normal}(A, B_p), & j = 0\\ \textrm{Normal}(0, B_p), & j > 0 \end{cases}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
\[B_p \in \mathbb{R}_{>0}\]
\[A = \ln{\frac{1}{D}},\ D = \textrm{Number of features}\]
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\frac{1}{\phi_j} &\sim \textrm{Lognormal}(0, s),\ s \in \mathbb{R}_{>0}\\u_i &\sim \textrm{Normal}(0, u_p),\ u_p \in \mathbb{R}_{>0}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Stan code

We will save the below file to negative_binomial_re.stan so we can import and compile it in BIRDMAn.

data {
  int<lower=0> N;                           // number of sample IDs
  int<lower=0> S;                           // number of groups (subjects)
  int<lower=0> D;                           // number of dimensions
  real A;                                   // mean intercept
  int<lower=0> p;                           // number of covariates
  vector[N] depth;                          // log sequencing depths of microbes
  matrix[N, p] x;                           // covariate matrix
  array[N] int<lower=1, upper=S> subj_ids;  // mapping of samples to subject IDs
  array[N, D] int y;                        // observed microbe abundances

  real<lower=0> B_p;                        // stdev for covariate beta normal prior
  real<lower=0> inv_disp_sd;                // stdev for inv disp lognormal prior
  real<lower=0> u_p;                        // stdev for subject intercept normal prior

parameters {
  row_vector<offset=A, multiplier=B_p>[D-1] beta_0;
  matrix<multiplier=B_p>[p-1, D-1] beta_x;
  vector<lower=0>[D] inv_disp;
  matrix[S, D-1] subj_int;

transformed parameters {
  matrix[p, D-1] beta_var = append_row(beta_0, beta_x);
  matrix[N, D-1] lam;
  matrix[N, D] lam_clr;

  lam = x*beta_var;
  for (n in 1:N){
    lam[n] += subj_int[subj_ids[n]] + depth[n];
  lam_clr = append_col(to_vector(rep_array(0, N)), lam);

model {
  inv_disp ~ lognormal(0, inv_disp_sd);

  for (i in 1:D-1){
    for (j in 1:p){
      beta_var[j, i] ~ normal(0., B_p); // uninformed prior
    for (j in 1:S){
      subj_int[j, i] ~ normal(0., u_p);

  // generating counts
  for (n in 1:N){
    for (i in 1:D){
      target += neg_binomial_2_log_lpmf(y[n, i] | lam_clr[n, i], inv_disp[i]);

generated quantities {
  array[N, D] int y_predict;
  array[N, D] real log_lhood;

  for (n in 1:N){
    for (i in 1:D){
      y_predict[n, i] = neg_binomial_2_log_rng(lam_clr[n, i], inv_disp[i]);
      log_lhood[n, i] = neg_binomial_2_log_lpmf(y[n, i] | lam_clr[n, i], inv_disp[i]);

Running BIRDMAn

We will now pass this file along with our table, metadata, and formula into BIRDMAn. Note that we are using the base TableModel class for our custom model. We first initialize the model with only the table and then use create_regression to create the design matrix.

import birdman

nb_lme = birdman.TableModel(
    formula="C(time_point, Treatment('pre-deworm'))",

We then want to update our data dictionary with the new parameters.

By default BIRDMAn computes and includes:

  • y: table data

  • x: covariate design matrix

  • N: number of samples

  • D: number of features

  • p: number of covariates (including Intercept)

We want to add the necessary variables to be passed to Stan:

  • S: total number of groups (subjects)

  • subj_ids: mapping of samples to subject

  • B_p: stdev prior for normally distributed covariate-feature coefficients

  • inv_disp_sd: stdev prior for lognormally distributed inverse dispersion

  • depth: log sampling depths of samples

  • u_p: stdev prior for normally distributed subject intercept shifts

We want to provide subj_ids with a mapping of which sample corresponds to which subject. Stan does not understand strings so we encode each unique subject as an integer (starting at 1 because Stan 1-indexes arrays).

import numpy as np

group_var_series = metadata_model.loc[samps_to_keep]["host_subject_id"]
samp_subj_map = group_var_series.astype("category") + 1
groups = np.sort(group_var_series.unique())

Now we can add all the necessary parameters to BIRDMAn with the add_parameters function.

param_dict = {
    "S": len(groups),
    "subj_ids": samp_subj_map.values,
    "depth": np.log(filt_tbl.sum(axis="sample")),
    "B_p": 3.0,
    "inv_disp_sd": 3.0,
    "A": np.log(1 / filt_tbl.shape[0]),
    "u_p": 1.0

With a custom model there is a bit more legwork involved in converting to the arviz.InferenceData data structure. We will step through each of the parameters in this example.

  • params: List of parameters you want to include in the posterior draws (must match Stan code).

  • dims: Dictionary of dimensions of each parameter to include. Note that we also include the names of the variables for log likelihood and posterior predictive values, log_lik and y_predict respectively.

  • coords: Mapping of dimensions in dims to their indices. We internally save feature_names, sample_names, and colnames (names of covariates in design matrix).

  • posterior_predictive: Name of variable holding posterior predictive values (optional).

  • log_likelihood: Name of variable holding log likelihood values (optional).

  • include_observed_data: Whether to include the original feature table as a group. This is useful for certain diagnostics.

We pass all these arguments into the specify_model method of the Model object.

    params=["beta_var", "inv_disp", "subj_int"],
        "beta_var": ["covariate", "feature_alr"],
        "inv_disp": ["feature"],
        "subj_int": ["subject", "feature_alr"],
        "log_lhood": ["tbl_sample", "feature"],
        "y_predict": ["tbl_sample", "feature"]
        "feature": nb_lme.feature_names,
        "feature_alr": nb_lme.feature_names[1:],
        "covariate": nb_lme.colnames,
        "subject": groups,
        "tbl_sample": nb_lme.sample_names

Finally, we compile and fit the model.

nb_lme.fit_model(method="vi", num_draws=500)

Converting to InferenceData

When the model has finished fitting, you can convert to an inference data assuming you have specified your model previously.

from birdman.transform import posterior_alr_to_clr

inference = nb_lme.to_inference()
inference.posterior = posterior_alr_to_clr(
    alr_params=["subj_int", "beta_var"],
    dim_replacement={"feature_alr": "feature"},

With this you can use the rest of the BIRDMAn suite as usual or directly interact with the arviz library!