Working with arviz

arviz is a wonderful library for analysis of Bayesian models. It includes many functions to help researchers determine how well a model performs both visually and numerically. However, those coming from primarily pandas and numpy experience may find it a bit challenging to orient themselves to using arviz and its underlying data structure derived from the xarray package. Here, we give a short breakdown on how to start analyzing an arviz.InferenceData object.

For more information on these two packages, see their documentation:


An arviz.InferenceData is essentially a collection of xarray objects so we will cover xarray first. xarray is a Python package designed for efficient and elegant interaction of multi-dimensional data. In Bayesian analysis we deal primarily with data that includes both chain and draw as dimensions in addition to the original parameter dimensions. For example, in a birdman.NegativeBinomial model, the \(\beta\) parameter will be output with 4 dimensions: chain, draw, covariate, and feature. Dealing with all of these dimensions in simple NumPy arrays can get confusing as you try to keep track of which dimension is which. xarray uses named dimensions and coordinates to make this process much cleaner and intuitive.


The Dataset is the primary data structure that you will be interfacing with in xarray. A Dataset is a collection of data variables (for example parameters from posterior sampling) that can have different dimensionality. As an example, here is a Dataset holding posterior draws from a birdman.NegativeBinomial model:

Dimensions:    (chain: 4, covariate: 2, draw: 100, feature: 143)
* chain      (chain) int64 0 1 2 3
* draw       (draw) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
* feature    (feature) object '193358' '4465746' ... '212228' '192368'
* covariate  (covariate) object 'Intercept' 'diet[T.DIO]'
Data variables:
    beta       (chain, draw, covariate, feature) float64 7.142 3.549 ... 0.4587
    phi        (chain, draw, feature) float64 0.1216 0.3286 ... 0.8205 0.6151
    created_at:                 2021-04-01T22:37:03.663497
    arviz_version:              0.11.2
    inference_library:          cmdstanpy
    inference_library_version:  0.9.68

The Dimensions descriptor shows the names and number of entries in each dimensions. The Coordinates entry holds the labels for each of the dimensions. In this example we see that the chains are labeled 0-3 and the draws are labeled 0-99. However, the features are labeled with OTU IDs and the covariates are labeled with the entries in the design matrix. The Data variables entry contains the actual data (in this case parameters) and lists the dimensionality of each. Note that beta is of dimension chain, draw, covariate, feature while phi is only of dimension chain, draw, feature. The Dataset is a powerful data structure because it can hold data variables of varying dimensionality.


A Dataset is simply a collection of DataArray objects. Whereas a Dataset can contain multiple data variables, a DataArray contains only one. If you want to access the beta variable from the above Dataset, you simply index it like you would a dictionary. If you have a Dataset, ds, with a data variable beta, you would access it with ds["beta_var"] which returns:

<xarray.DataArray 'beta' (chain: 4, draw: 100, covariate: 2, feature: 143)>
array([[[[ 7.14216 , ..., -0.03673 ],
        [-0.639199, ...,  0.958811]],


        [[ 7.071049, ..., -0.374691],
        [-0.61982 , ...,  0.5009  ]]],


        [[[ 7.096262, ..., -0.281968],
        [-0.607823, ...,  1.190807]],


        [[ 7.185024, ...,  0.038614],
        [-0.671318, ...,  0.458722]]]])
* chain      (chain) int64 0 1 2 3
* draw       (draw) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
* feature    (feature) object '193358' '4465746' ... '212228' '192368'
* covariate  (covariate) object 'Intercept' 'diet[T.DIO]'

Selecting and indexing data

Manipulating data in xarray is a bit more involved than in NumPy. The most important thing to keep in mind is the notion of dims (dimensions) and coords (coordinates). Dimensions are the names while coordinates are the labels.

You can use the .sel function to select specific slices of data. To extract all values from just chain 0, you would run:


You can also index across multiple dimensions - if you wanted only values from chain 2 from the diet covariate you would run:

ds["beta_var"].sel(chain=2, covariate="diet[T.DIO]")

This also works with multiple values for a given dimension. As an example if you wanted to get all diet posterior samples from just features 193358 and 4465746 you would run:

ds["beta_var"].sel(feature=["193358", "4465746"], covariate="diet[T.DIO]")

See the documentation for more on indexing and selecting data.


An arviz.InferenceData object is a collection of xarray.Datasets organized for use in Bayesian model analysis. Each inference comprises several groups such as posterior draws, sample stats, log likelihood values, etc. arviz organizes these different groups such that they can be used seamlessly for downstream analysis.

If you run a birdman.NegativeBinomial model and convert it to an inference object, you can print this object and see the following:

Inference data with groups:
        > posterior
        > posterior_predictive
        > log_likelihood
        > sample_stats
        > observed_data

Each group is an xarray.Dataset that you can interact with as described above. You can access each of these groups with either attribute notation (inference.posterior) or index notation (inference["posterior"]).

Saving and loading data

It is useful to be able to save the results of BIRDMAn so that they can be analyzed later or distributed to collaborators. The best way to do this is to save the InferenceData object in the NetCDF format. This is a compressed format that works very well with multi-dimensional arrays.

You can save and load fitted models with to_netcdf and from_netcdf.

import arviz as az
inference_loaded = az.from_netcdf("")